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Prayers for Authenticity


Creator God,

You call me beloved child.

You know each scar,

visible and invisible.

You know each love,

each passion,

each dream.

In love for each of us,

you have filled creation

with spectrums of diversity

beyond human categories and labels.

I give thanks for the uniqueness within me.

For my curls and my wisdom,

for my quirks and my compassion,

for the secret parts of me that are harder to share.

I pray for courage,

and for assurance.

As I share one more piece of who I am,

may it be met with acceptance,

with celebration,

with love.

For those who have traveled this path before me,

I give thanks for their guidance and companionship.

Protect the tender corners of my soul,

the ones that fear.

Take away the wish for a different way

and leave in its place radical acceptance,


and hope.

May the truth spoken

be a balm for my broken heart,

cracked by the pressure of words left unsaid.

May I know the strength of your spirit,

your holy peace,

as I embody more fully

the beloved child you created good, very good.



You who gave Moses Aaron so he could speak truth to Pharaoh,

You who restored Zachariah's voice at John's birth,

You who told Mary to go and tell the disciples,

You who healed the sick with but a word,

You O God,

can infuse my words with truth,

can strengthen my voice,

can heal the scars from the words I trapped inside.

I'm finding a new voice.

Seeking a conduit

for the thoughts, prayers, cries

of my authentic heart.

It wants to be heard

but it stumbles

and it falls silent.


words still caught in my throat

as I figure out how to

turn off filters

and translation settings

so long employed,

in pursuit of what is true.

In pursuit of what is me.

Sprinkles of truth.

Tentative test balloons.


Working an unused muscle,

stiff and weak,

but there all the same.

Guide me to the words.

Words of hope and love.

Words of challenge and confession.

Let me not forget silence,

or sling words too brashly.

May my words, my silence, my listening

be healing,

be truth,

be me.


Woman with shoulder length curly hair with arms up in the air holding a Progress Pride Flag behind her. She wears a shirt that says "THIS QUEER PASTOR LOVES YOU" and skirt with a colorful butterfly wing like pattern.

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Rev. Sarah Kingsbery
Sarah, Seeking
Curious Creativity and Loving Authenticity

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