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Texts I Would Have Sent You

Mock of a text message screen to Dad Cell with messages "I miss you." and "I love you" with Delivered noted next to them (not Read)

Texts I wish I could have sent you Dad...

I miss you.

I love you.

They finally got one of the new baggage claims up and going at CLT. Redoing that old area where I waited forever last trip now. Bags got there before me for a change!

A new shiny baggage carousel with bright blue wall and sign accents

What is the dang check mark you use for you phone lock screen pattern?

None of us can remember it.

Happy Easter Dad! I love you.

Why didn't you tell me you had close captioning on your phone?

I would have called your phone to talk to you and mom.

I forgot to tell you I got you books about jazz, Gilbert and Sullivan, and Little Museums at the library book sale.

I don't know what to do with them now...

Mom needs you. We need you. Why aren't you here?

I bought some plants at church today!

What kind of soil should I get?

Planted them today! I think I waited too long...the lavender isn't looking so good.

A long black plastic planter with about 8 green sprouts. One is taller and healthier looking than the others

I also repotted that daisy plant you and Mom sent me over a year ago.

Can't believe it's still alive. We'll see if it survives this.

(Yes, that is a giant bag of soil. Don't judge.)

A white plastic pot with a few straggly looking stems of green leaves. A blue hose lays messily in the background beside the bottom of what seems to be a giant bag of soil.

So... of 5 sunflowers and 4 lavender plants...1 sunflower has survived and one lavender is kind of sort of maybe holding on?

Long black plastic planter with one plant visbile on the very right end. A couple of the large leaves have holes in them.

How do I keep the bugs from eating my sunflower leaves!?!

Google tells me to spray it with soap water. I'll try that. Wish I could ask you instead of Google.

I miss you.

There is a bud on my daisy plant! Picture is blurry but it's there...

White plastic pot with healthier looking stems all leaning towards one side of the pot. A purple arrow has been added to point to the blurry white bud at the end of one stem.

Soapy water isn't helping but the sunflower is still growing!

Look how TALL!

The long black planter with the one plant. The plant is now a couple feet tall and the large leaves have multiple holes in them.

Have you put the sign I got you for Christmas in the garden yet?

No? Maybe we can put out when I am home for your internment.

You should watch this Hank Green video.

Also, he's got a comedy special about cancer coming out.

I haven't deleted your contact from the favorites list in my car yet. Still there. Top of the alphabetical list. Still with the 7 I added when I had my first Nokia phone and that was the shortcut for calling you.

I can't seem to make myself delete it.

Miss you so much.

Display screen from a car with the text: Sarah's

Do you know what these pink flowers in my neighbor's yard are?

A yard of light green grass and light pink flowers

You always worried if I was having fun and enjoying myself. My friends helped me have a really good birthday.

I wish I could hear you sing "and many moooooooore" one more time.

I joined a church this weekend.

Wasps are building a nest on the INSIDE of my glass door.

The spring mechanism at the top of a screen door. A wasp nest currently the size of the wasp ACTIVELY BUILDING it is on the metal piece connected to the interior doorframe.

Yes, I still have the spray from when you were here last.

I will spray it when I get home from work.

Helping out at a church BBQ this weekend. Been a while since I've done that!

Look at ALL THE BUTTERFLIES in Olivet's butterfly garden! Are you jealous?

How are your butterfly plants doing?

Can I get rid of that red chair now? I only kept it because it's where you liked to sit when you visited.

Despite the cat bed that lives on it, it is "your" chair. Makes it harder to decide now.

Plus, you aren't here to help me move it or take it somewhere.

There are new buds on my sunflower plant!

Even if the bugs are still eating the leaves. :-(

A close up of the top of the sunflower plant. One large bud is starting to open at the two and two smaller buds are growing in the crook between the stem and two different large leaves

I miss you. I love you.

I finally get to see Six! I'm going with friends while I'm in Chicago.

Just found out they are front row seats!!! Can you imagine?

What do you want for Father's Day?

A cheesy, sappy, sad blog post? Good. Cause that's what you are getting.

I miss you. I love you.

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Rev. Sarah Kingsbery
Sarah, Seeking
Curious Creativity and Loving Authenticity

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