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Blessing for a Newborn


One of the joys of ministry is getting to go to visit parents after they have welcomed a new baby into their family - to be able to rejoice in new life and God's beloved creation. Alas, sometimes, a baby is born in another state during a pandemic and I can't go hold the baby and offer a prayer of blessing in person.

This is an adapted version of the note and prayer I sent to a friend's newborn, E, for his mom to pray over him in my stead.


I am so glad you are here! You have been and will be loved so much. I can't be there in person to hold your tiny fingers and pray for you, so your parents will have to read this to you for me.

Cradle this beloved child, O God

as you cradled your own son,

holding him in your mercy.

Bless [name] this day and and every day.

Bless their parents and thank you for giving this child to them to love.

Thank you for giving this family an extended family and community to multiply the love.

When life in this big new world is overwhelming and scary,

soothe their spirit and their cries with your peace that passes understanding.

You knit [name] together in their mother's womb,

continue to bless their growing.

Give them

strength and compassion

hope and discernment

joy and faith.

But most of all,

may they know each day they are your beloved child,

created good, very good.


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Rev. Sarah Kingsbery
Sarah, Seeking
Curious Creativity and Loving Authenticity

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