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A Prayer for One Church in Many Places

The prayer after my May 17, 2020 sermon on Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20.

Ever present God,

You promise you will always be with us

and we give thanks for your presence. 

Your presence stretches out from this place,

connecting all of us as the body of Christ.

With trust and doubt,

we bring our whole selves to you,

believing that you welcome us as we are. 

Gather up our sorrows and our fears, our anger and our doubts

and give us strength and wisdom to face them ourselves

knowing you journey with us.

We breathe in your Spirit seeking renewal of our bodies, minds and souls,

We breathe out your Spirit praying for those we love who struggle in this time. 

We seek your guidance and your wisdom as a community

as we try to live faithfully in this time,

to share the love and mercy of your gospel message with a hurting world

We offer our lament for lives lost, communities grieving,

healthcare professionals carrying heavy burdens,

and individuals facing difficult decisions. 

We rejoice in healing and the faithful work of scientists and researchers

and all who are helping others in this difficult time. 

May all who lead in this time seek first compassion and life for all,

especially for the most vulnerable among us. 

We lift of this prayer with faith and trust that you are with us today, tomorrow and always,


Sarah Kingsbery

May 14, 2020

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